SpeedShift Slowdown Manual

1. Speed Control

The speed parameter can be automated by the DAW. This is the equivalent of dragging the slider.

The left arrow and right arrow will cause the audio to skip forward to the present incoming audio. It will change the pitch by 1 semitone. The tempo will change proportionally.

Double clicking the slider will revert it to it's initial position.

💡 TIP: In the case where the tempo is an awkward number such as 140.04, use the tempo control to quickly make it 140.00.

2. Pitch Control

The pitch parameter can be automated by the DAW. This is the equivalent of dragging the slider.

The left arrow and right arrow will change the pitch by 1 semitone.

Double clicking the slider will revert it to it's initial position.

💡 TIP: In the case where the pitch is imperfect, use the key control to quickly bring it in-key.

3. Seek Control

This has no function in SpeedShift Slowdown.

4. Active Buttons

  • 33 ⅓ RPM: Changes the RPM to the vinyl classic slowdown.
  • ½ Halftime: Pressing once will slow down a quarter time, pressing again will slow down to half-time.
  • Reverb: Pressing once will activate a serial reverb. Pressing again will activate a parallel reverb with a low cut of 100 Hz, and a high cut of 6000 Hz.
  • Spindown: It will activate a spin down effect equivalent of turning off a record player.
  • Forward: To skip past the buffered slowed audio which will take it's time being played back and instead output and process the audio which is entering the plugin at this exact moment in time.

5. Key Controls

Set the key of the song so that you know the resulting key after the slowdown has been applied.

By clicking 'Resulting Key', you will correct the pitch so that it is in-key.

6. Tempo Controls

Given an initial tempo setting, it will display the resulting tempo after a speed change.

The fresh button will replace the initial tempo setting from the DAW's tempo.

By clicking 'Resulting Tempo', you will correct the tempo so that it's a whole number. For example, if the tempo was 140.04, it will be corrected to 140.00.

The target tempo dialog will allow you to target a specific tempo. One mode will alter the pitch and tempo. The other mode will preserve the pitch and only change the tempo.

7. Settings

  • View Licence Agreement: Shows the EULA and copyright notice.
  • View Licence Information: Shows the active licence information.
  • View Manual: Brings you to this page.
  • Load Preset: Loads a preset.
  • Save Preset: Opens the preset save dialog.
  • View Preset Folder: For viewing the plugins folder.
  • Scale Plugin Dimensions: For scaling the plugin size up or down.